Shahid Zaman, MD, PhD, FRCPsych, FRCP

Shahid Zaman, MD, PhD, FRCPsych, FRCP
Cambridge University
Dr. Zaman is a consultant psychiatrist working with adults with intellectual disability in Cambridgeshire, a neuroscientist, and an associate lecturer at the University of Cambridge. He is part of the Cambridge Intellectual Disability Research Group at the Department of Psychiatry. He undertook higher training in medicine and psychiatry and was awarded a PhD in molecular neurobiology. He was a post-doctoral Wellcome Trust International Travelling Fellow at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York. His research work focuses on the role of amyloid, tau, inflammation, and mitochondrial dysfunction in the genesis of cognitive impairment and dementia in people with Down Syndrome. He is part of the ABC-DS (Alzheimer’s disease Biomarker Consortium-Down Syndrome), which aims to understand the natural history of dementia in Down syndrome with the aim of designing clinical trials for preventive treatment. He is interested in understanding the neuronal mechanisms that underlie deficits in learning and memory in people with intellectual disabilities and exploring ways of ameliorating or treating these.